Being a teenager can be a really exciting time - forming their own ideas, becoming more independent as they move away from the guidance of parents and teachers. But it can also be really scary and confusing. Developing their own personality and relationships, thinking they need to look and behave a certain way, working hard to achieve at school.
Perhaps it’s no surprise that 20% of teenagers may experience a mental health problem in a year.
Yoga can offer answers to many of the concerns that adolescents are facing.
Developing a mindful approach to moving and breathing will improve mental health for students. Noticing how a tense body feels and feeling how it changes as it relaxes. Learning skills to take into adulthood to live a confident life. It’s amazing to watch young people move from fidgeting to being able to lie still at the end of a yoga session.
The physical side of yoga will appeal to different young people. From those that enjoy sport to reduce injury and enhance performance (think of the England football team) to those that are less athletic as they can lie down for a while!
Schools that have already embraced yoga in the classroom have seen a change in the school environment. The classroom becomes a calm and positive place to learn, pupils are better able to learn without being distracted and students learn how to truly relax.
Please contact me if you would like to find out more about how yoga can be delivered in your school.
Child Protection September 2018
I believe that children and young people should never experience abuse of any kind and that I have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people, to keep them safe and to practise in a way that protects them.
I am an accredited BWY yoga teacher and registered with yogakidz worldwide. I have a DBS certificate and have undertaken child protection and safeguarding training with Leeds City Council Education Services. Copies of these certificates and the British Wheel of Yoga Safeguarding Children Policy Statement and Safeguarding Children Policy and Procedure are available upon request.